
What’s next now that the summer is over?

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Wake up happy supporters I think I got something to say to you. It’s early September and the SpokenRev teens are back in school. The questions are coming in fast. What’s next while the memories last?  The teens learned environmental justice and so much more.

Well, that’s enough of that. Don’t know what came over me other than the fact that it’s late September and the teens are literally back in school. OK, ok, ok. Anyway, a whole lot is coming up next. But first I’ll tell you what the teens have been doing since the tour.

As a cyclist I’ve participated in organized bike rides over the years and have always found them fun and worth the cost of admission. The proceeds from the event always goes to a good cause and I get to do what I enjoy-ride my bike.

This late summer a number of teens from the Spoke’n Revolutions cycling team participated in their first organized bike rides by someone other than Triangle Bikeworks. The first was the local Carolina Tarwheels annual Heritage Ride touring the town of Hillsborough and its rural surroundings. The ride was a chance for them to experience touring with a much larger group of people.

Traveling to Atlanta the teens got to experience a ride that is attended by Major Taylor cycling clubs and cyclists from across the nation and outside the country. The Metro Atlanta Cycling Club’s Labor Day weekend One Love Century ride has a family reunion atmosphere that’s festive. And because of their age the youth were treated as celebrities!  Now that’s what I call a wonderful experience.

So, What’s Next?

Now that the youth have experienced a somewhat different form of organized cycling than the tour you’re probably wondering what’s next. Right now, the teens are taking a slight break before we get started again in late September early October. 

When we all get together again it’ll be to honor you for your support. All that the youth experienced this summer and beyond is because of you. When we get together it’ll be to premiere a film for your first look. It’s being created by StoryMine Media and it’s going to be great!  They’re professionals at visual storytelling. And they captured every little moment that makes what you allow the teens to do special. It’s our gift to you for providing these beautiful experiences that shape and transform lives. We don’t have a date for you yet because the film is still being edited. When we do you’ll be the first to know! 

But up until then we’re on a new search for Spoke’n Revolutions’ recruits.  The goal is to have as many youth as possible share the experience and wonder of cross country bike touring based on history. From three day excursions into history to full blown two week tours. You’ll help to transform more lives, one revolution at a time.

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