The present is a reflection of the past. Learning how you got here is just as important as where you're going.
We introduce youth to a variety of cycling styles. From cross country bike touring, to cyclo-cross, to mountain biking, to just plain old cruising.
While youth are having these transformational experiences and create long lasting life skills, you'll be supporting youth the whole way.
It's more than a river, it's more than a lake. Youth learn where the water flows, who it flows to, and why that's important. Youth discover ways to support the effort for a cleaner environment.
Learning how to ask questions leads to improved learning outcomes, greater classroom engagement, and more ownership of the learning process. With QFT in their toolkit youth will be unstoppable in their education.
We supply the bike, the gear, the transportation. It's up to you to supply the drive and determination.
To the many individual donors, government agencies, foundations and nonprofit community partners who support our youth through their grant investments in the Spoke'n Revolutions program, we are grateful.
Durham Bike CoOp
Our community is our life-blood. Your donations allow for the expansion of programs, bike repairs, and the purchasing of equipment.
Bike accessories and parts, NEW and used, will be put to use by the youth of Triangle Bikeworks.
As a corporation in the bike industry there are multiple ways you can help by gifting equipment. Individual cyclists will find it gratifying knowing that parts in your garage find new life on the road.
We operate on foundational, corporate, and organization grants. We don't know them all. If your organization funds youth development we'd like to know about it.
You'll be instrumental in helping a youth complete their goals.
Corporations can sponsor a youth cyclist or a cycling team. If your organization is interested in funding youth programs centered on health, education, and the environment contact us.
Your sponsorship will be instrumental in completing our mission.